Indicate the ACVO committee(s) in which you have interest:
I am interested in volunteering to work with the Vision for Animals Foundation (VAF):
I may be interested in serving on a task force in the future, but am not interested in serving on a full-time committee. Please contact me if one becomes available.
Become a Veterinary Ophthalmology Journal reviewer. If you would like to volunteer as a reviewer, select topics of interest below. You do not need to be a committee member to serve as a reviewer (check all that apply):
I've served on past ACVO and/or ABVO Committee(s) and would like to be considered as a future candidate for the:
I've served on past ACVO and/or ABVO Committee(s) and would like to be considered as a future candidate for the Veterinary Specialty Organizations Committee (VSOC) Representative or VSOC Alternate Representative:
Indicate the ABVO committee(s) in which you have interest:
To help ensure professional diversity, please inform us as to where you primarily work as a veterinary ophthalmologist:
Individuals are contacted as vacancies occur throughout the year. If you are not contacted in the year you volunteer, please know that your interest is appreciated and your name is being maintained on record for consideration for future openings. Many committees may need to meet demographic requirements so it is recommended that interested individuals submit interest annually for a couple years, and also email the Chair directly. Completing all information below will increase your chances of being fully considered. Thank you for your interest and willingness to serve!